Baby Vegeta Costume


  • 1 How It Works
    • 1.1 Introduction
    • 1.2 Tables
    • 1.3 Examples
  • 2 List of Compatible Cards
  • 3 General Tips
  • 4 See also

How It Works


Raising a card's Super Attack level (also known as SA lvl) can be done with two different methods, with varying chances of success:

  • Using several item cards to raise Super Attack levels, primarily Kai cards. Most guarantee one increase in level.
  • Training cards together with the same second name, e.g. the "Super Saiyan Goku" part in "Supreme Warrior Awakened Super Saiyan Goku". Essentially, cards of both the same character and form are compatible. So any Super Saiyan Goku card will work for any other Super Saiyan Goku card, but not for other forms of Goku. (On this wiki, the second name is listed in the second row on card pages. Disambiguation pages also organize cards by second name.)
    • Identical cards, i.e. those that also have the exact same first name, will guarantee increases in level. This is the only scenario in which Super Attack levels carry over or merge. For example, training two identical cards, one at Super Attack level 3 and the other at 4, will guarantee a combined Super Attack level of 7.
    • Cards with only the same second name will have different chances to increase the Super Attack by 1 level, depending on rarity. The higher the rarity of training partners, the higher the chance to raise the Super Attack level of the card being trained (see table below).


Item Cards that Increase the Super Attack Level for All Cards
100% chance 100% chance Type related 30% chance
Card 1003970 thumb.png Card 1009850 thumb.png Card 1015860 thumb.png Card 1018550 thumb.png Card 1021510 thumb.png Card 1012230 thumb.png Card 1012240 thumb.png Card 1012250 thumb.png Card 1012260 thumb.png Card 1012270 thumb.png Card 1013400 thumb.png
Chance to Increase Super Attack Level Using Cards with Only the Same Second Name
Base Rarity Of
Card Being Trained
Max Rarity Of
Card Being Trained
Current Rarity of Training Partner
N icon.png R icon.png SR icon.png SSR icon.png UR icon.png

latest?cb=20190327122338&format=original Transparent thumb.png

N icon.png R icon.png 30% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
R icon.png SR icon.png 5% 30% 50% 100% 100% 100%
SR icon.png SSR icon.png 1% 5% 30% 50% 100% 100%
SSR icon.png UR icon.png 0% 1% 5% 50% 100% 100%
UR icon.png 0% 0% 1% 5% 50% 100%

latest?cb=20190327122338&format=original Transparent thumb.png

0% 0% 0% 1% 2% 50%
  • UR lv100 and UR lv120 training partners give the same percentage.
  • UR lv100 and UR lv120 cards being trained receive different percentages.


The first four examples use Supreme Warrior Awakened Super Saiyan Goku (a base SSR) as the card being trained and various Super Saiyan Gokus and item cards as training partners. The fifth uses Unstoppable Ascension Super Saiyan God SS Goku as an example of identical cards merging SA levels.

List of Compatible Cards

Following are all the cards available in the game (excluding Non-Battle Cards and Unreleased Cards). Each is sorted by their second name. They are listed in farmable and non-farmable. This way you can easily see which cards can be used to raise anothers Super Attack.

Card Name Farmable Non-Farmable
Eis Shenron Card 1006350 thumb.png
Evil Saiyan Card 1018390 thumb.png
Card Name Farmable Non-Farmable
Invisible Man Card 1018170 thumb.png
Card Name Farmable Non-Farmable
Card Name Farmable Non-Farmable

General Tips

See also

  • Super Attack Multipliers: guide for calculating the Super Attack Multipliers.

Baby Vegeta Costume


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