2handed or 1 Handed for Black Mage Ffxiv

  1. Which is more beneficial? Does the extra Block and Defense help at all? In combination with materia, which of the two would be the most efficient (staff or sceptre&shield)?

  2. Really depends on level and what is available, and whether or not a staff or the scepter shield combo give better stat boosts. I tend to focus on Magic Attack and INT first, but you may find instances where certain combos will give you a better all-around boost than a staff alone.

  3. From what I've seen, neither is really "better" than the other. The game seems to stagger them apart so that one is better, then after a few levels, the other is better, then back again.

    At least that's how it's been up to level 30. I don't know if they become more "parallel" after that. Same thing with Archers. Short bow is good...then long bow...then short bow...lol.

  4. Each is equal depending on stats. If you get a really good 1h weapon that has more magic damage than a staff then use that, even if the staff has a little more int.

    +Magic damag > int everyday. Once you hit 50 your shield off hands are limited to really only the level 55 one that drops from tomberry instance. You will eventually get either garuda staff or relic staff anyways.

  5. I prefer wand and shield personally. I like the little bit of negated damage and stats seem to be about equal anyway.

  6. i like the shield just cuz I like filling up as many gear slots as possible :D

    One reason why I like separate head piece and torso piece vs. the Jedi Robes.

  7. ^ this. Recently geared my BLM in full Battlemage and it is so hawwwt. :D I ran Brayflox 20+ just to get ALL of the pieces!

  8. Lucky... I've run it about 5 times and only had 1 drop so far, but I got it. Was the gloves, I really love the robe for it and it makes me jealous when I see other people with it lol.

    All I needed for Acolyte set was the robe too, still have those parts for when I play my other magic classes though.

  9. I didn't even know about the Battlemage set. Just googled it and it's so badass!! I'm already level 39 though and my gear is already just as good/better than it. I might just queue brayflox up along with my current level dungeons though just to leave it as an option...seems too nice not to have...at least until AF gear (lookswise)

  10. I want to farm out the Battlemage set just to have it lol. Wish i could transmog into it :(

    Luckily the vanya robe looks very nice :3

  11. That is literally the only reason I keep going back and trying to farm for it even though that dungeon was 12 levels ago for me lmao.

  12. Just think, it will be there for your SMN, SCH and CNJ too^^

  13. Exactly! I also have SMN and SCH at 32-33ish right now, so having the gear would be perfect for them for when I get back to leveling those classes, as well as WHM.

  14. sch/smn cant use shields i dont think :shifty:

  15. Nope, they cannot. I was referring to the Battlemage gear set.

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2handed or 1 Handed for Black Mage Ffxiv

Source: http://ffxivrealm.com/threads/staff-vs-scepter-shield.7236/

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